
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

They Call Me The Fireman, Making My Rounds All Over Town

Don't forget the fun. As the parent of a toddler you have a free pass to slip down a slide, run in the park or snuggle up with your little one and read a picture book. And if anyone rolls their eyes when you tell them your child is two, don't forget to remind them that you hold a very important job. After all, who else gets to mold and encourage a future leader — not to mention potty train them?
~Lynn Thompson

So thankful for our Heavenly Father today.  This may sound depressing, but today was one of those day's that I was made painfully aware that I am a single mom who has to somehow be mommy and daddy.  The little man of the house went #2 today in the potty! (Yes I just said that and I am pumped about it!)....and in the middle of our victory dance I realized that there was no one to share that exciting moment with.  Then the AC guy came to change my filters...definitely something I miss having a husband do.  It cost a pretty penny and reminded me again of my single mommy-ness.  For some reason, I rarely even think about it and I would not trade our life for anything. 

God has always been so good to the little mister and I!  In fact, that doesn't even begin to give justice to all the amazing ways he has been our everything!  Needless to say, I was looking forward to our play date with Miss C and her little man B!  We had an amazing time!  B is just the best little man and I hope that my mister takes after him at the ripe age of 3!  Here are some pictures from our day at Chuckee Cheese and the Fire Station:

Mrs. Calais made our day so special!

Telling his new buds to sit on their 'bombombs' aka bottoms.

"I finally figured this here game out..."
Cheating...Mommy saw that little man!
Sitting in manly chairs at the Fire Department doing manly things...

Chow time!  Too bad we were stuffed from that yummy (sarcasm) Chunky Cheese Pizza!
He loved this! I hope I never forget his sweet face seeing the trucks for the first time.

Going up!

From The Mouths Of Babes

People tend to forget that play is serious.
~David Hockney

The little man of the house and I had such a great day today!  I love waking up and knowing that my job is to live life with someone who is such a joy, and a ham nonetheless!  Today was full of giggles and snuggles!!!

We went to our first playgroup this morning.  The mister is really big for his age and was as big or bigger than the 3 year olds.  It was hilarious!  So he fit right in, and the other moms were adorable!

Afterwords we headed to register for school.  I don't want to talk about it and am in denial that my baby boy is old enough for Mother's Day Out. But, I know he will do awesome because he loves other babies.  So I am happy for him and pouting for me.  I feel so blessed though that he can attend such a great program only minutes from our house.  

My plan for a quick nap, turned into a 2 1/2 hour nap for the little man.  I normally lay with him until he goes to sleep, but he was not having it this morning.  So I thought, well I will just sing him to sleep.  It's bad when a baby knows you can't sing.  He cracked me up when he looked at me and said , "Done!" :)

It was too late or I was just plain too lazy to cook lunch so we headed to Chick Fila.  Little man made new friends while playing and we even left with a balloon! You would have thought he was given a million dollars!  

The spoiling continued with a haircut, pony ride, and sucker...Have I mentioned that I love him?  One of the barbers commented on how good the mister was being. He looked straight at him with all seriousness and said, "Jesus." Hahaha :)  We all had a good belly laugh!  Here are a few pictures from our day.