
Saturday, September 25, 2010


Here is the Son of God, who in less than three years achieved far more than kings and generals had ever achieved in a thousand years, taking time out. Why? Well, He knew His needs and limitations – even He couldn’t work twenty-four hours a day seven days a week – and neither can we. But also He could have the confidence to do this because of His quiet, serene knowledge that His time was in His Father’s hands, that He wasn’t going to change the world by one endless round of activity, but by doing things in God’s time in God’s way. 
 Melvin Tinker

It has been almost 6 weeks since I have posted on my blog, which really saddens me.  In the few short posts I've made I really began to get the point of a blog.  I enjoyed being able to look back on our day and reflect on God's goodness and provision in our little life.

God definitely had other plans this past month and a half, but I would not change one minute of it.  I have been able to spend more time than usual just breathing in His absolute grace and blessing after blessing He has bestow upon us.  It has definitely been a bittersweet season, but I have truly learned we have to tastes life's bitterness to make Christ seem all the more sweeter.  I am thankful.