
Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm A Big Boy Now...And Bar B Que Sauce

A baby boy comes
in most every size,
With mischievous face
and questioning eyes.
With a misshapen halo,
And a wonderful grin,
With ten busy fingers,
And one sticky chin.
He’s cunningly stubborn
and amazingly fast,
So you’ll never find him
where you put him last.
He’ll keep you so busy,
and yet all the while,
Nothing will soften your work
like his smile.

Happy 17 Months Baby Boy!  Here is what our day looked like:

Blueberry pancakes to start off our special day :)

At the Fort Worth Children's Planetarium to Sesame Street. You loved it! Especially, Elmo!!

Mama did her best to wrangle you before the show.  But once it started, you were mesmerized!

We learned about how everyone can see the same stars on Earth no matter where they are.  Isn't God Amazing?!?


It normally takes a bit of effort to get you to eat a lot at one time.  But you ate so many ribs! You looked just like a little man...Especially because you couldn't keep your eyes off the game on the TV above our table.

Mmm Mmmm Mmmm!!! You kept saying 'Pah!' aka 'Please!' as soon as I moved the rib away from your mouth.

Watching Dora with Mama after ice cream.

Tonight is our first night in our Pull-Ups!

This has been the best 17 months of my life! Mommy loves you little man!